How to Declutter Your Elderly Parent's Home: Tips for Making Their Space More Organized and Functional

How to Declutter Your Elderly Parent's Home: Tips from Professional Organizers

How to Declutter Your Elderly Parent's Home: Tips for Making Their Space More Organized and Functional

It's no secret that as we get older, we tend to accumulate more stuff. And while some of it may be sentimental, a lot of it is just clutter.

If your elderly parents are struggling to keep their home clean and organized, it may be time to help them declutter. Not only will this make their lives easier, but it can also prevent injuries and accidents...

In this blog post, we will discuss some tips on how to declutter your elderly parent's home safely and effectively!

1. One word “Sort.” One of the first things you will want to do is go through their belongings with them and help them decide what to keep and what to get rid of. This can be a difficult process, but it is important to respect their wishes. If they are having trouble making decisions, try asking them questions such as "What is your favorite thing about this item?" or "When was the last time you used this?". This will help them narrow down their choices.

2. Declutter. Once you have sorted through their belongings, it's time to start decluttering! Begin by tackling one room at a time. If possible, start with the easiest room first. For example, if they have a lot of clothes, begin by decluttering their closet. Go through their clothes and help them decide what to keep and what to get rid of. Again, try to respect their wishes as much as possible.

3. Start with smaller items. This can include things like clothes, books, and knick-knacks. Once you have tackled the small items, you can move on to bigger pieces of furniture or appliances. It is important to declutter gradually so as not to overwhelm your parent.

4. Create a “keep” pile and a “donate” pile. This will help you and your parents decide what items are worth keeping and what can be given away. Be sure to go through the “keep pile” carefully as some items may need to be thrown away instead. The “donate pile” can be donated to charity or sold at a garage sale.

5. Make use of self storage. This can be a great way to keep your elderly parents’ home stay organized. Self storage is a great way to store items that they may not need on a daily basis, but still want to keep. This can be anything from holiday decorations to seasonal clothing.

Self storage is a great option for decluttering. It gives your parents a place to store their belongings; and if they ever need to access something, they can just go to the self storage facility and retrieve it.

Arco’s Self Storage units are safe and secure, and they can be a great place to store seasonal items or extra furniture.

Decluttering your elderly parent’s home can be a daunting task, but it is important to do as it will help them stay organized and tidy. By following these tips, you can declutter your parent’s home safely and effectively! If you have any questions about self storage or need help finding a unit, please contact us today! We would be more than happy to assist you.